Friday, May 2, 2008

Indonesia's year on year inflation reaches 8.96% in April

JAKARTA, Indonesia's year on year inflation in April (April 2008 to April 2007) reached 8.96 percent, the National Statistic Bureau announced Friday.

Head of the bureau Rusman Heriawan said the inflation rate in April was 0.57 percent.

It was driven by the hikes of prices of goods and services, including unprocessed foods by 0.55 percent, processed foods, drinks cigarette, tobacco 0.86 percent, housing, water, electricity, gas and fuel 1.62 percent, health 1.88 percent, education, recreation and sport 0.13 percent, he said.

The cumulative inflation rate by April was 4.01 percent, said Heriawan.

Inflation occurred in 37 out of 45 cities, he said.

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